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This website was created by 7 students working for their 2nd quarter's World History last project. Through helping each other and looking for primary socurces and dependable authors, they are able to bring to you the long, short and spark causes of the Brazilian Revolution in the 18th century. Enjoy!

The Brazilian Independence: Quote

"Do not oppress the poor. Be charitable. Do not complain about what God has given you, but improve your habits. We must strive earnestly to be good."


-Primary source from Maria Leopoldina, Dom Pedro's preoccupied wife to her husband.

Most important causes of the Brazilian Revolution 

          The Brazilian Revolution in the 18th century started by different reasons which led this country to its own independence. Among those reasons, the stronger ones are the ideals from Age of Enlightenment and the American Revolution, high taxes from the Portuguese government to the colony of Brazil, and the strong desire to remain not as a colony, but as an state.


Painting of Emperror Dom Pedro at the age of 35, 1834

Dom Pedro declaring independence. (7 September 1822)

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